
WIC Crossroads

What is Crossroads?

The North Carolina (NC) Crossroads WIC System is a model information system that has replaced the 30-year old NC WIC Automated Data Processing (ADP) System. The system requirements for Crossroads were defined by a consortium led by the state of North Carolina and included Alabama, Virginia and West Virginia. Crossroads is a robust system that manages all facets of WIC operations, including client services and vendor management. Crossroads uses modern web (HTML/HTTP) technology, standard WIC data elements, and complies with federal policy and regulations.

Crossroads for Local Agency Staff

Crossroads Resources

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 Crossroads Software Upgrade

The North Carolina Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Crossroads system released a new software version (1.24) to local agency users on Monday, March 29, 2021.

 Application and Certification

 Care Plan

 Prescribing and Issuing Food Benefits



 Breastfeeding Care Plan and Supplies





North Carolina WIC Program Manual

N.C. WIC Program Manual

The North Carolina WIC Program Manual has been revised and the links below reflect the updated edition.




Last Modified: 1-14-2022