
Nutrition Education Resources

Monthly Nutrition Ed Graphic

Welcome to the nutrition education resources section of the Nutrition Services Branch. On this page, you will find a multitude of materials that can be used with North Carolina families participating in WIC and CACFP. For many of these resources, there are both English and Spanish versions. Items are grouped based on the intended audience.

Non-Discrimination Statement / Aviso de No Discriminación

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 Preconception, Prenatal and Postpartum Nutrition Education

 Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Program

Making a Difference for WIC Families (PDF, 1.7 MB) | Haciendo la diferencia para las familias del programa WIC (PDF, 1.7 MB): Pregnant women and new moms learn about the WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Program (Audience: Pregnant and postpartum women).

 Childcare Providers

 Farmers' Market and Food Cards

  • Shopping for Seasonal Produce (English/Spanish) (PDF, 2.8 MB): Families learn strategies for saving money and selecting quality produce (Audience: Families).
  • 1% Milk (1.1 MB) | Leche con 1% de grasa (PDF, 1.2 MB): Families learn strategies for buying, storing, and enjoying 1% milk - includes a recipe (Audience: Families).
  • Apples (PDF, 1.2 MB) | Manzanas (PDF, 991 KB): Families learn strategies for buying, storing, and enjoying apples - includes a recipe (Audience: Families).
  • Blueberries (PDF, 1 MB) | Arándanos (PDF, 1.35 MB): Families learn strategies for buying, storing, and enjoying blueberries - includes a recipe (Audience: Families).
  • Brown Rice (PDF, 973 KB) | Arroz Integral (1 MB): Families learn strategies for buying, storing, and enjoying brown rice - includes a recipe (Audience: Families).
  • Canned Salmon (PDF, 987 KB) | Salmón Enlatado (PDF, 962 KB): Families learn strategies for buying, storing, and enjoying canned salmon - includes a recipe (Audience: Families).
  • Canned Tuna (PDF, 981 KB) | Atún Enlatado (PDF, 957 KB): Families learn strategies for buying, storing, and enjoying canned tuna - includes a recipe (Audience: Families).
  • Corn (PDF, 1.4 MB) | Maíz (PDF, 984 KB): Families learn strategies for buying, storing, and enjoying corn - includes a recipe (Audience: Families).
  • Dry and Canned Beans (PDF, 1 MB) | Frijoles Secos y Enlatados (PDF, 1 MB): Families learn strategies for buying, storing, and enjoying dry and canned beans - includes a recipe (Audience: Families).
  • Dry Peas (1 MB) | Chícharos Secos (1 MB): Families learn strategies for buying, storing, and enjoying dry peas - includes a recipe (Audience: Families).
  • Eggs (PDF, 966 KB) | Huevos (PDF, 949 KB): Families learn strategies for buying, storing, and enjoying eggs - includes a recipe (Audience: Families).
  • Greens (PDF, 1.38 MB) | Verduras de Hoja Verde (PDF, 989 KB): Families learn strategies for buying, storing, and enjoying greens - includes a recipe (Audience: Families).
  • Lentils (1 MB) | Lentejas (1 MB): Families learn strategies for buying, storing, and enjoying lentils - includes a recipe (Audience: Families).
  • Peaches (1 MB) | Duraznos (PDF, 996 KB): Families learn strategies for buying, storing, and enjoying peaches - includes a recipe (Audience: Families).
  • Soft-corn Tortillas (PDF, 974 KB) | Tortillas de Maíz Suaves (PDF, 1 MB): Families learn strategies for buying, storing, and enjoying soft-corn tortillas - includes a recipe (Audience: Families).
  • Strawberries (PDF, 1 MB) | Fresas (PDF, 986 KB): Families learn strategies for buying, storing, and enjoying strawberries - includes a recipe (Audience: Families).
  • Summer Squash (PDF, 1.4 MB) | Calabaza de Verano (PDF, 985 KB): Families learn strategies for buying, storing, and enjoying summer squash - includes a recipe (Audience: Families).
  • Sweet Potatoes (PDF, 1.4 MB) | Camotes (PDF, 1.35 MB): Families learn strategies for buying, storing, and enjoying sweet potatoes - includes a recipe (Audience: Families).
  • Tofu (PDF, 940 KB) | Tofu (PDF, 945 KB): Families learn strategies for buying, storing, and enjoying tofu - includes a recipe (Audience: Families).
  • Tomatoes (PDF, 1.4 MB) | Tomates (PDF, 982 KB): Families learn strategies for buying, storing, and enjoying tomatoes - includes a recipe (Audience: Families).
  • Watermelon (PDF, 1 MB) | Sandía (PDF, 983 KB): Families learn strategies for buying, storing, and enjoying watermelon - includes a recipe (Audience: Families).
  • Whole-grain Cereals (PDF, 1.3 MB) | Cereal de Granos Enteros (PDF, 1.4 MB): Families learn strategies for buying, storing, and enjoying whole-grain cereals - includes a recipe (Audience: Families).
  • Whole Wheat Bread (PDF, 977 KB) | Pan Integral (PDF, 1 MB): Families learn strategies for buying, storing, and enjoying whole-wheat bread - includes a recipe (Audience: Families).
  • Whole Wheat Pasta (PDF, 379 KB) | Pasta de Trigo Entero (PDF, 736 KB): Families learn strategies for buying, storing, and enjoying whole-wheat pasta - includes a recipe (Audience: Families).
  • Whole Wheat Tortillas (PDF, 974 KB) | Tortillas de Harina Integral (PDF, 1 MB): Families learn strategies for buying, storing, and enjoying whole-wheat tortillas - includes a recipe (Audience: Families).
  • Yogurt (PDF, 529 KB) | Yogur (PDF, 575 KB): Families learn strategies for buying, storing, and enjoying yogurt- includes a recipe (Audience: Families).

 Healthy Recipe Resources for WIC - New!

  • Heart Healthy Recipes Find a collection of heart healthy recipes from around the world, developed by the National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
  • MyPlate Kitchen The website of recipes and resources from MyPlate.gov includes a search feature and the ability to save recipes and create cookbooks. Recipes are available in English and Spanish.
  • North Carolina State Extension, Steps to Health Recipes Find recipes organized by meal type.
  • SNAP Recipes Find healthy and thrifty recipes, from the USDA, SNAP-Ed Connection.
  • WICHealth.org Health eKitchen Use this guide to help you access Heath eKitchen, a searchable library of healthy recipes that use WIC-approved foods. Access to Health eKitchen does require login to wichealth.org.
  • WIC Meals of the Month This resource, from USDA WIC Works Resource System, features recipes focusing on specific nutrients and using foods in the WIC food packages.
  • Recipe Resources from other States:

 Infant Nutrition Education

 Nutrition Bite of the Month


This section includes nutrition education topics for each month that can be used with North Carolina families participating in WIC. With each monthly topic are resources that can be used to educate clients. Many are available in both English and Spanish.

Target Audience

All WIC local agency staff and WIC participants.

2021-2022 Topics

Monthly Nutrition Ed Graphic

Nutrition Topic Materials and Resources
+ February

Monthly Education Calendar 2021-2022

 2020-2021 Topics

Nutrition Topic Materials and Resources
+ January
+ February
+ March
+ April
+ May
+ June
+ July
+ August

Monthly Nutrition Education Calendar

 Preschool Nutrition Education - New!

 General Nutrition Education

 Move to Low Fat Milk

Last Modified: 01-19-2022